Friday 31 August 2012

Jersey Shore finally ending at long last!

That's right, it's all over the news and t'internet. The show that should never have lasted this long is coming to a close, I found the show to be pointless and useless. 

With no true thought ever placed into the show, with the annoying idiots who starred in it.... every time I saw it advertised anywhere I wanted to walk into traffic.

It's always a large amusement for me, to try and work out why something as shite as Jersey Shore lasted this long when shows with better stories, better everything were cancelled straight in the middle of season 1... like oh I don't know.... Firefly.

So this is a meme page today, enjoy it.

But now I give you my new fave meme...

So this is to you MTV & Jersey Shore, a nice big FUCK you (-:

P.S. Firefly will live on, Jersey Shore WILL be forgotten quick.

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