Thursday 6 September 2012

New Nokia Lumia 920, Official Specs

So it's here, the phone I've been waiting to find out all about.

The lumia 920, take bright, blur-free photos and videos in any light conditions with PureView technology.
How I understand it, the lens is held "float-less" via tiny springs that hold it centre at all times so that you can capture the most light without any blur due to shaky hands or surfaces. From how I hear, this makes the camera on the 920 50% more blur free than most mid-range digital cameras.

Another awesome feature of the camera, is the apps you can add to enhance your photo collecting hobby. Apps such as the 360 view maker. This amazing feature allows you to make a 360 degree image, similar to kind you find on google streetview.

The 920, comes with a Snapdragon™ S4 dual-core 1.5Ghz CPU which is designed to give max performance without draining your battery as fast as some quad-core. Included to help with this battery drain problem with smartphones Nokia has included a 2000mAh Battery (which is the largest battery Nokia has ever used to date).

This Lumia comes available in 5 different colours with a 4.5" screen that is slightly curved.

Another item this beautiful phone has, is the ability to "wirelessly charge" on docks, special music players and even a special pillow. Now I'm sure this technology is built into the device, I'm sure that you will not get the dock to charge it (like they would give you that for free ;) ).

This phone is going to set a new marker for all Smartphones out now or to be released soon. I would say that Nokia & Microsoft have finally designed a phone that will rival the popularity of the iPhone and the SIII.

The specs, the design, the feel, the abilities of this phone exceed expectations and in my opinion trump whatever Apple had planned or HTC or even Samsung.

Now I'm sure my last comment will cause some bad responses, but this is how I feel and I'm sure I will not be the only one who will come to this thought either.

To get more information about this phone, simply follow the link below.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Sam Raimi's The Possession: Review.

Sam Raimi, most likely one of my all time fave producers/creators.

With his name behind legends such as "The Evil Dead" & "Spiderman" movies, and TV shows Xena: Warrior Princess & Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. You can imagine I was excited to watch his new movie, The Possession.

Of course, like all modern day horrors.... it was supposedly "based on true events". All about a girl who acquires an old box with strange writings upon it. After a while she manages to open the box, afterwards strange things happen and she becomes of course... Possessed.

After watching the trailers, I expected many freaky things and was giddy with the excitement.


The "horror" part of movie was not as I hoped, maybe I was expecting too much from Sam (or maybe there have been too many of these kind of films now). It had it's moments of "ooooh" but it wasn't anything special or anything you have ever seen before (except the hand thing, but you saw that in the trailers).

On a plus side though, Sam Raimi picked a good team to film it and picked the perfect cast to star in it. The little girl was amazing, she made you believe it from time to time. Although near the end, the acting from the father was a little of a let down after his great performance through out the movie.

At the end of the day I would give Sam Raimi's The Possession, 7/10. Not for the horrors, but for the well written dialog and acting. If I had to give it a rating just for horror... 5/10.

Sorry Sam, not your best but it is good to see you again.

Monday 3 September 2012

Go to buy a blender, come home with 5.1 Surround Sound

Yesterday, me and my partner decided we should buy a good quality blender. So off we went, to Argos to see what selection they had. While looking and trying to decide, I thought "I think I will just look at home cinema systems...." I had a quick look around, mainly looking for 300W surround sound as this is pretty good quality.

I did see one, but I wasn't that much interested. So I closed the book and moved on to look at the clearance shelf while my other half continued to decide on a blender, while I was looking around the clearance stuff I saw the blender we were thinking of buying. So naturally, to save a job I grabbed it and headed back to where my lady was. At that point, she had also started to look at surround systems on the computer in store (not the book I looked in) and was checking out one for £115.... to my shock it was £15 more than the one I looked at but not 300W.... it was ONE THOUSAND WATTS!!! 

I almost died, especially when we noticed it said "was £179.99" and "1 left in stock". So I quickly started looking through the book again to confirm the price... once again shocked as the book said £189.99!

So we looked at each other.... then looked at the price.... then each other... then... well you get it.

So in the end, we bought the sucker. 1000W of pure joy, ready for my Xbox the next time I'm on ;).

Oh, we got a blender too.

On another note, since I couldn't buy SW: KOTOR collection in UK. I have just ordered it from, some old fun will be released on my life again xD

Saturday 1 September 2012

My Review: Mass Effect 3: Leviathan. (No Major Spoilers)

So they finally released content for Mass Effect 3 that is for the solo campaign as I mentioned in a previous blog.

Mass Effect 3: Leviathan, adds to the main story of The Galaxy VS The REAPERS..... 

Shepard learns that something, a very long time ago killed a reaper. While wondering what that could be, they discover evidence that this thing, this "Leviathan" may still exist. So now it's time to go find it, learn how it did it or how to force it to join the fight once more.

You have 3 main missions and some investigations to complete in this DLC, with creapyness, pure adrenaline  action, and "OMFG IM GUNNA DIE RIGHT NOW" fun.

With many revelations regarding everything you wanted to know since your chat with sovereign in the first game, and more that you never realised. This added content is worth the price, and more importantly worth your time.

New weapons, and better new upgrades for your weapons. It is 100% a must for the collection.

I give it 9/10.

Friday 31 August 2012

Jersey Shore finally ending at long last!

That's right, it's all over the news and t'internet. The show that should never have lasted this long is coming to a close, I found the show to be pointless and useless. 

With no true thought ever placed into the show, with the annoying idiots who starred in it.... every time I saw it advertised anywhere I wanted to walk into traffic.

It's always a large amusement for me, to try and work out why something as shite as Jersey Shore lasted this long when shows with better stories, better everything were cancelled straight in the middle of season 1... like oh I don't know.... Firefly.

So this is a meme page today, enjoy it.

But now I give you my new fave meme...

So this is to you MTV & Jersey Shore, a nice big FUCK you (-:

P.S. Firefly will live on, Jersey Shore WILL be forgotten quick.

Thursday 30 August 2012

Star Wars: KOTOR. The bundle pack of the year... NEED IT!

So for years, I've been a fan of KOTOR (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic) and when I upgraded to Windows 7 I could no longer play either game properly.

The reasons are as follows;
Windows 7 hated KOTOR
Windows 7 spat on KOTOR
Windows 7 laughed at KOTOR

However, now... Lucasarts, with their "lets milk star wars franchise for every penny we can get over and over again cause every star wars fan is a sucker" way of thinking has actually... not pissed me off but made my day.

They have released the double pack, officially called Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Collection. This lovely thing is going to be mine, it contains both games with the last patches they made for them already installed. But this is where it gets better.

They are now on DVD ROMS, instead of 5 CD ROMS *CLAPS!!!!*
They both now work fully on Windows 7 *CLAPS!!!!* YAY!!!!

Many people have already complained however, because they are not "HD Revamps" or "not in higher resolutions!!!!"

Myself however, I don't care about those. I know Lucasarts, they won't give you fully what you want until the 30th released version of it (*cough* SAGA BOXSET *cough*).

My only gripe is, this is so far... only available in the US. Apparently it's "screw the rest of the world day" in their minds.

That's okay, I'll just buy it from the US. I don't mind.

On that note, payday needs to HURRY THE HELL UP!

Then off I go to download all those lovely add-ons by fans, fixes by fans, extra content by fans, and of course... RESTORED KOTOR II content.

Ta for reading :-)

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Why I refuse to upgrade to a new smartphone

I've had the HTC Desire HD for over 18 months now, and I am able to fully upgrade to a new phone. "Why haven't you got the SIII or iPhone yet????"

Why else? Because there are so many phones to come out soon, new Android phones by HTC and who knows who else. Not to mention there is that little thing soon to be released, you know it... Windows Phone 8. 

I decided long ago that I would wait, just see what comes out and now the big three are releasing WP8 smartphones shortly.


All 3 companies have a track record of releasing some amazing technology, and 2 of them back my fave OS (Android). However the more I look at the WP8 system the more I'm curious, the fact I can merge it with my Xbox 360 is just a bonus.

So my advice to anyone who is about to upgrade, wait and hold your horses already. Just keep your current phone, if your contract is over.... get a pay as you go sim card or downgrade to a cheap 30 day rolling contract.

"Wait, why didn't you mention the new iPhone soon to come out?????"

Simple, I don't like Apple.... sorry.